Well, we've reached the end of the quarter, and that means it's time to see how I did on reducing my footprint!
After this quarter, my footprint went down quite a bit! I was able to click the box that corresponded with turning off my computer and monitor, which helped to reduce my carbon footprint. I also felt really good about the fact that I have been eating organic produce and that I have quit Kraft mac and cheese. In my first eco footprint evaluation, I had checked "almost never" box, but can now say that I "sometimes" buy organic or sustainably-produced foods.
The one area I felt unsure about was the carnivore/omnivore question in the food footprint. I had originally checked the carnivore box in my first evaluation. This time around, I clicked on the omnivore box, but I didn't feel as though I was eating that well. I did cut down on meat, I was having two meatless meals per week at least (sometimes more because pb&j is so easy and delicious). Even still, I felt that I didn't fit the omnivore description. I feel like there might be a step in between the two. It seems hard to capture the amount of meat you eat in the answers they have you choose from. Oh well... it is still very encouraging to see my progress.
Because I live in an apartment right now and have a very limiting income, there are a lot of things I want to do but have to wait until I can afford/accommodate. Things like solar panels, water recycling system, energy saving appliances, growing my own fruits and vegetables, and raising my own chickens (and maybe cows, we'll see how that goes).
*For my readers*
Thank you for following along with me on this journey. If you enjoyed this blog, then I challenge you to evaluate your eco footprint and make a few attainable and measurable steps to reducing your footprint!
Hey, Courtney, this is a significant reduction - congratulations! And thanks for sharing the calculator link with others! 50/50 points